An Android mobile screen showing a list of browsers in the initial phone setup from which users can select and set their preferred default browser.


Browser Choice Screen

Eligibility criteria for participating in the browser choice screen

To ensure an optimal user experience, browser providers that wish to participate in the choice screen must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Browsing as primary purpose of app:
    The browser provider’s app must have a primary purpose of browsing the web and must declare the ROLE_BROWSER.
  2. App in Google Play:
    The browser provider must have an app that is available free of charge in Google Play to EEA users. The browser provider must be in compliance with the terms of the Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement.
  3. Browsers must support HTTPS.

  4. One app per company:

    Browser providers that are owned by or affiliated with the same company are eligible to appear on the choice screen only once in each country.
  5. Localization:
    Browser providers must provide local or English language support in the countries where they apply to participate. For a list of languages that must be supported by country, click here.
  6. Android OS support:

    The browser app must support the latest version of Android within 90 days of release.
  7. Minimum installs:

    The browser app must have a minimum of 5,000 user installs.
  8. No connection to non-EEA state actors:

    Browser providers must not be directly or indirectly under the operation or control of non-EEA state actors.

Choice screen display and ordering

The twelve most popular eligible browsers in each country according to Google Play installation data are shown. Later this year, all twelve options will be ordered randomly each time the choice screen is shown. For an initial period, the five most popular eligible browsers in each country according to Google Play installation data will be displayed at the top, ordered randomly. The next seven most popular eligible browsers will be shown below the initial five browsers, similarly ordered randomly. After the initial period, an updated choice screen displaying the top 12 ranked browsers, ordered randomly, will start appearing on new devices distributed in the EEA on or after August 7, 2024.

Users must scroll through all options before making a default selection. On existing devices, if a non-Chrome browser is already selected by the user, Android will not show a browser choice screen.


What data source is used to determine which options display on the choice screen?
We use Google play installs data to determine which options are shown on the choice screen.

How do you determine the list for the search engine and browser choice screens?
Providers must apply and receive approval for the DMA choice screen program. We assess each eligible provider's Google Play app installation data per country on active Android devices in the EEA to select the top search engines and browsers for the choice screen.

Why use Google Play installs data instead of public OS-specific data or Google Play monthly active users?
Our goal was to find a data source that is accurate, reliable, free from sampling bias, inclusive of all main providers, and consistent across both browser and search choice screens. Google Play installation data best met these criteria, despite the trade-offs.

Meet the providers that will feature in the browser choice screen

See all providers