Lookout Image Q&A
Visual content is now more accessible.
Image Q&A uses AI to generate image descriptions and answer follow-up questions that you can ask using your voice or typing. Use it on everything from images on social media to your photo gallery.1
Download nowReading mode for Android
Personalize your screen reading experience.
You can use Reading mode on websites or apps with long articles. Customize the contrast, color, and font size of text without changes to the content. You can also use the read aloud feature to have the content read out for you.
Download nowTalkBack
Hear and feel what’s on your screen, eyes free.
Interact with your phone through sound and touch with Android’s screen reader. Hear things from notifications to “Your battery’s at 10%.” Or use customizable gestures, your own braille display and braille soft keyboards to connect.2
Download nowLow vision tools
Bring your phone into focus.
Adjust your phone's visual settings to suit your vision. Increase the font and display size, or switch to bolded text or high-contrast mode to make content stand out. Toggle to dark mode. Use color inversion or correction to boost visibility. Zoom in on the details with powerful magnification.
Explore your world with your phone.
Use your phone’s camera to identify nearby objects and get things done faster. From sorting your mail and unpacking groceries, to exploring social media, Lookout uses AI-powered computer vision to get more information about the world around you with sound.
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